Power of family and commonality love

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh, a propagandist of the anti-HIV/AIDS struggle of the Woman’s Union of Co Giang Ward in District 1, HCMC, who was a harlot 16 years ago, has been successful in overcoming many difficulties and bad situations in order to make a better life for herself.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh (L) propagandizes for people effective methods to lessen the rates sexual transmitted diseases and drug use. (Photo : Sggp)

She took the wrong path for several years, until being arrested and ending up in prison.

After being released prison, Hanh thought that her life was at an impasse with nowhere to go. But her mother gave her a hand raising her daughter. Members of the Woman’s Union of Co Giang Ward visited Hanh regularly and took her to social works, making an incessant effort to help her overcome the complexes and stigmas associated with prostitution, allowing her to fall in line with the community.

“I rebuild my life and my future day by day. Living is still very difficult but I am so joyful to make my mother happy,” Hanh said.

She provides free condoms and propagandizes for harlots and people effective methods to lessen the rates sexual transmitted diseases and drug use in parks 23/9 (September 23rd), Le Van Tam, Tao Dan and Le Duan, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai streets, Thi Nghe Bridge and Tu Du Maternity Hospital. She also takes prostitutes to preventive medicine centers for tests.

Hanh cannot remember how many women that she has helped out of life on the street.

Hanh has transferred her enthusiasm for social work to her daughter and son-in-law. The mother and married couple work in District 1’s Preventive Medicine Centers.

Hanh now lives with her son, 10, and paralyzed old mother in District 2. Although her living conditions are difficult, she always feels happy and optimistic.

“The work helps me recognize the truth of a significant and strong life. I am proud of telling my contributions to my little son. Love of my mother and sisters of the Woman’s Union of Co Giang Ward made revived me,” Hanh said.


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