Rolled rice pancake

banh cuon is popular to Vietnamese as disk for breakfast. The cake preparing process includes grilled rice which is steamed and oil-spread to have sweet-smelling. Banh cuon is prepared available. Leaves of cake put on plate as the customers ask for the disk. The cake is called Banh cuon Thanh Tri due to its origin is Thanh Tri Village of South Hanoi. Besides Banh cuon Thanh Tri, there is rolled rice pancake with the filling of the cake is made from minced pork mixed with Jew's ears and thin-top mushrooms. The cake, placed on plate, serve with salted shredded shring and fried dry onions. The customers immediately experience the disk as it is just finished and stilI very hot.

It is the sauce of the cake that fascinates the customers. The cake-makers have their own know-how, some of them prepare Banh cuon with Belostomatid essence to have
sweet -smelling to attract to the customers

Boiled rice and pork cakes

Boiled rice and pork cakes are usually cooked 2-3 days before Tet. Both can be kept for about two weeks in cool temperature. However, after this time they become hard and must be re-boiled.

Soak some green beans overnight in water to soften. Drain, rub and clean to remove the skin, and leave to dry. Next, cook the beans in a steamer and grind. Form into balls the size of tennis balls.

Soak some glutinous rice overnight. Clean and rinse. Mix with a little salt. Cut fresh pork meat (lean or fat, according to personal taste) into 2cm strips. Mix with salt, fish sauce and pepper, and leave for about one hour.

Clean dong leaves (leaves from arrowroot) and place them over each other to form a cross. Place an amount of rice in the centre of the leaves. Shape into a square (the southern version is in a circle). Press a "ball" of green bean on top. Then, add 1-2 pieces of marinated pork, then more green bean, and finally rice. Press firmly into a compact square and wrap the leaves over to cover the cake completely. Tie with bamboo strings. Place in a large pot of boiling water and boil overnight. Squeeze the moisture out by placing it in a colander with a heavy object on top.

To serve, untie and open the leaves. Invert on a plate and cut into pieces using the bamboo strings, not a knife. Serve cold.

Grilled rice cake with Cray fish

Anyone who used to experience the dish would never forget such simple cake made from grilled rice cake and Cray fish only.

The cake must be as thin as a leaf but flexible enough. Cray fish must be brittle and sweet. Serving with long jawed anchovy sauce.

Banh la cha tom does not as heavily smell as the majority of the other dishes but gentle, elegant and attractive to customers.

Ho Tay fried shirmp cake

All people who used to live in Hanoi are familiar with Banh tom Ho Tay Restaurant on the Thanh Nien (Young) Street. The cake preparing process includes wheat flour mixed with potato fibres, placing on shape with shrimps upper, then fried with oil. The cake is brittle, soft, sweet-smelling, and served with vegetable pickles and sweet and sour fish sauce for best taste.

Vietnam police seek ‘power abuse’ charges against doctors

Ho Chi Minh City-based Cho Ray Hospital

Police have proposed that 12 people, including six doctors, in southern Vietnam, be prosecuted for abuse of power that caused losses of nearly VND4 billion to the state coffer.

Inspectors of the Ministry of Public Security said Luu To Lan, a doctor at Ho Chi Minh CIty-based Cho Ray hospital, and her accomplices had faked 1,200 prescriptions for health insurance policy holders between 2008 and last May to obtain drugs which they later sold to local pharmacies.

For this purpose, they had operated a network to illegally collect health insurance cards of workers in and around Ho Chi Minh City who under the law are insured by the government insurance agency.

They sold the drugs at two third the market prices to appropriate about VND2.65 billion, of which Lan pocketed more than VND1.1 billion, according to the police.

Under Vietnamese law, charges of power abuse while on duty are punishable by jail terms of up to 10-15 years.

Vietnam performs first human heart transplant

Vietnam has successfully performed its first human heart transplant, after many trials using pigs since August 2005, according to the Vietnam Military Medical University.

The operation was performed last Thursday on 48-year-old Bui Van Nam, a patient from the northern province of Nam Dinh with severe heart failure, the Ministry of National Defense’s university said.

Nam is now recovering from the two-hour operation with the help of doctors and experts from central hospitals and the Taiwanese-owned Cheng Hsin Hospital, it said.

The Hanoi-based university was also the first health clinic to perform kidney and liver transplants in Vietnam in 1992 and 2004 respectively.

The world's first human heart transplant was performed in 1967.

Vietnam among leading tourism growth nations: official

French toursits in Hanoi on cyclos

Vietnam is among the four countries with the highest growth rates in tourism in the first five months this year, a senior industry official has announced.

The tourism sector posted a growth of more than 30 percent in the period, and is aiming at a full-year revenue target of US$4 billion, said Nguyen Manh Cuong, deputy head of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, said at a press conference on Friday to announce the 2010 Vietnam Tourism Awards.

Cuong said the country expects to receive 4.2 million foreign visitors this year.

The 2010 Vietnam Tourism Awards ceremony will be held in Hanoi on June 29.Sixty five awards will be given this year to hotels, tour operators and service providers.


Vietnam, Indonesia urged to join forces for tourism

Ha Long Bay in Quang Ninh Province

Vietnam and Indonesia should work together to attract international tourists as both countries have popular destinations, an official said.

Companies can offer package tours to Bali, Yogyakarta, Ha Long and Hue, Ambassador of Indonesia to Vietnam, Pitono Purnomo, said at a press briefing in Ho Chi Minh City Tuesday.

In order to boost tourism, national carrier Garuda Indonesia will launch a direct route linking Jakarta and Ho Chi Minh City, said Purnomo. He said Vietnam Airlines should also offer similar services.

Purnomo said around 400,000 Indonesians want to visit Vietnam every year.

Apart from tourism, the ambassador said Indonesia is encouraging Vietnamese companies to invest in rubber, pepper and seafood projects in Indonesia.

Trade between the countries reached US$2.5 billion last year, official statistics showed. Purnomo said Indonesian investors have invested more than $2 billion in Vietnam.


Ho Chi Minh’s life highlighted in Argentina

Uncle Ho

A symposium on Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh’s life, revolutionary cause and thoughts was held in Buenos Aires Friday with the participation of hundreds of Argentinean scholars, politicians, artists and friends of Vietnam.

Parliamentarian Julia Argentina Perie, President of the Argentina-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians Group, expressed her admiration for President Ho Chi Minh, his revolutionary optimism and invaluable thoughts he passed down to younger Vietnamese generations.

She read a poem from the late President’s Diary in Prison that was translated into Spanish by Cuban poet Felix Pita Rodriguez.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Argentina Nguyen Van Dao said Vietnamese people always bear in their heart and mind the image of President Ho Chi Minh not only as a national liberation hero but also a close and beloved leader.

He confirmed that though the President passed away for more than 40 years ago, Vietnamese people are determined to follow his moral example.

Poldi Sosa Schmidt, President of the Argentina-Vietnam Cultural Exchange Institute, highlighted President Ho Chi Minh’s role as one of the greatest world leaders in the 20th century. She described the President’s moral example as the lodestar for Vietnam’s revolution for nearly a century.

Fanny Edelman, Honorary President of the Communist Party of Argentina, recalled her two visits to Vietnam in 1973 and 1976, during which she saw with her own eyes the Vietnamese people’s brave struggle for national liberation and their efforts to reconstruct the country after the war.

The 99-year-old revolutionary said she still remembered a reception given by late Prime Minister Pham Van Dong who told her stories about President Ho Chi Minh.

Political analyst Atilio Boron praised President Ho for his creative use of Marxist-Leninism in the conditions of Vietnam , helping the country – an oppressed nation – to rise up and wrest back independence and freedom from the most powerful forces.

Historian Alejandro Pandra valued President Ho Chi Minh’s strategic visions, saying the late President had been able to foresee the road Vietnam had to take to achieve freedom and development.

The Vietnamese Embassy screened a documentary on President Ho Chi Minh and exhibited a collection of pictures illustrating the Vietnamese land and people.

Ambassador Dao presented the speakers at the symposium the book “A selection of Ho Chi Minh Works” published in Spanish for the first time.


Vietnam dong up a shade, but dollar demand to rise


HANOI - The dong has risen marginally against the dollar over the past week but it felt no big impact Monday from China's move over the weekend to make the yuan more flexible, which has lifted other Asian currencies.

The dong edged up to VND18,940/18,990 per dollar from VND18,950/19,000 a week ago, Vietcombank, Vietnam's largest partly private lender, said in its daily quotations.

Foreign exchange liquidity in Vietnam remained high, with demand and supply well balanced on the domestic market, the central bank said in its weekly report last week.

A dealer at a foreign bank in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's commercial center, said dollar inflows from exports and foreign direct investment were good.

But bankers said demand for dollars would rise in September or October when loans, which have grown strongly this year and are often given for six to nine months, are due for repayment.

"If exports do not pick up, there may be pressure on the foreign exchange market when importers need to buy dollars for repayment," a dealer at a Vietnamese bank said.

Fixings on overnight dollar loans offered by domestic banks were unchanged from last week at 0.43 percent, but two-month lending rates edged up to 1.37 percent from 1.27 percent last Monday, reflecting a higher dollar demand forecast.

Foreign exchange loans by banks in Ho Chi Minh City, mostly in US dollars, at the end of May surged 41.5 percent from May 2009, compared with growth of 0.1 percent in the same period last year against May 2008, the city's statistics reports showed.

Last Wednesday, the central bank asked banks to report their foreign exchange sales and lending to importers for repayment as part of moves to control Vietnam's trade deficit and avoid putting pressure on the exchange rate.

Banks also need to ensure their outstanding foreign exchange loans were less than their foreign currency deposits raised from companies and residents, and must tightly control the credit line and terms of each loan, the central bank said in a statement.

The first dealer said importers were closely watching exchange rate movements

"Any time the rate moves close to the critical ceiling of VND19,100, they will start buying dollars," he said, adding that the exchange rate now looked reasonable.

The central bank set the daily mid-point for Monday's dollar/dong transactions at VND18,544 and banks are allowed to trade 3 percent either side of that, between VND17,988 and VND19,100 per dollar.


Vietnamese artists perform in Thailand, China


Singer Minh Quan from Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) joined others from ASEAN countries, China, Japan and South Korea in the ASEAN+3 concert in Bangkok, Thailand on Saturday.

The concert was to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej coming to the throne and boosting friendship among ASEAN countries and their partners.

Quan performed Vietnam’s folk songs and sang a duet with a Thai singer, Vietnam News Agency reported.

The same day, an art troupe from the Vietnam’s Central Song and Dance Theater gave a performance at the Mei Lan-fang Theater in Beijing, the first performance during their tour of China to celebrate the Vietnam - China Friendship Year and the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

They performed with traditional musical instruments and staged a fashion show of the Vietnamese traditional costumes.

From June 21 to 24, the troupe will perform in China’s central province of Henan.


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